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Training Tandem FlightCome along and fly with an instructor on one of our special training tandem flights. Learn the basics about the sport of paragliding all in one amazing soaring flight! Cost: $240
PG Intro CourseCloudbase offers an 'Introduction to Paragliding' course which gives you an opportunity to learn about the sport. You will have a go at ground training (practice takeoff, steering and landing) with a paraglider for approximately an hour or so. Once your ground training is complete it is time for either two solo high flights or a Discovery Tandem Flight where you will experience all the skills you have learnt on the ground. A great course if you want to learn a little more about the sport. Weekend Summer Courses 2025 Jan 11/12 (fully booked) Jan 18/19 (one place left) Feb 8/9 (placed available) Feb 15/16 (places available) Mar 8/9 (places available) Cost: $300 + $20 association fee (payable here after your course is booked) All equipment is supplied. We can run courses during the weekdays provided there is a minimum of 2 students.
PG1 - Student LicenceThe student PG1 course is the first step towards your full pilot’s licence after completing an Intro Course with us. Students complete a number of high flights (minimum 6) under instruction from an instructor at the takeoff and another at landing. At the end of the 2/3 day course students are expected to be proficient at paraglider wing inflation (check and correct), take off (or abort), establish easy transition from takeoff to flying, smooth flight turns and safe landings on their feet. There is additional theory which covers basic aerodynamics, suitable flying conditions and essential information about the equipment. The PG1 licence is issued by the NZHGPA (national association) under the authorization of the Civil Aviation Authority. As such students must have a student/full membership during training. Visit to join. Weekend Summer Courses 2025 Jan 11/12 (fully booked) Jan 18/19 (nearly full) Feb 8/9 (places available) Feb 15/16 (places available) Mar 1/2 (places available) Mar 8/9 (places available) Cost $500 (after an Intro course) All equipment is supplied. We can run courses to suit during weekdays if there is a minimum of two students.
PG2 - Solo Pilot LicenceThe PG2 course follows the PG1 course (required) and is designed for students who wish to complete their private pilot licence. Obtaining this licence allows pilots to fly for themselves. In order to be issued a PG2 licence students need to demonstrate a wide range of practical paragliding skills and achieve a level of theoretical knowledge assessed through exams towards the end of the course. Course Details Below is a brief summary of skills covered in the course. Launching/Takeoff Skills: wing inflation and take-off/landing techniques Flying Skills: descent and steering techniques, completion of a minimum of 40 flights in total* (Intro and PG1 flights included) from at least 4 different flying sites with normal training progression. Theoretical Skills: aerodynamics, meteorology, equipment and flying skills Additional Information for the PG2 Course: The PG2 course is run as a 9-day block or over long weekend blocks of time. Block courses generally start with two or more students. The PG2 course assumes normal training progression. It may be that some students need additional flights in order to achieve the standards required. If this is the case with some students they will continue with their training on a ‘pay as you go’ rate. Students are encouraged to have their own equipment for their course. Cloudbase Paragliding has a number of equipment packages at very reasonable prices, contact us for more information. your PG2 licence is issued by the national NZHGPA under the authorization of the Civil Aviation Authority. As such, students must have student/full membership during training and become full members upon issue of the PG2 licence. Visit for more information. PG2 Course Cost: 2200$ (PG1 required) Minimum requirement: 2 students Summer Courses 2025 Jan 25-Feb 2 (limited places left) Feb 22-Mar 2 (places are available) Mar29-April 6 (places available)
XC Courses
\ Thermal/XC Clinics
Craigieburn Mt Cheeseman Spring Course
Info for these courses available late winter
\ XC Tours

Package Deals
Our package deals for a new wing/harness/reserve parachute start from $6550. As an added incentive we will give you a discount of 160$ on your PG2 course. Check out our Shop for more information.
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